Admission Open Studen Name Student Aadhar Number City State Pin Code Contact No. Contact No. Date of Birth Gender Select Your Gender Male Female Prefer Not to Say Blood Group —-Select—- (A+) (A-) (B+) (B-) (O+) (O-) (AB+) (AB-) Class in which admission is sought Mode of Transport Student’s current school and Address Medical Problem (if any) PARENT’S INFORMATION Mother Name Father’s Name Residential Address City State Pin Code Preferred E-mail Mother Qualification Father Qualification Mother Occupation Father Occupation Mother Nationality Father Nationality Name and Class of brother or sister (if any) studying in our school Documents to be attached Latest Passport size photograph of the student Birth certificate photocopy Latest passport size photograph of the parents (Mother) Latest passport size photograph of the parents (Father) Transfer Certificate and Result card photocopy of the previous school (for the students seeking admission K.G. onwards) Declaration- We hereby declare that the above information given by us is true to the best of our knowledge & belief. If any information is found faise any time. the school can take any step against us. School is just a mediator between you and van- drivers so as to make the arrange¬ment of converyance lacillty convenient for you. School is not responsible for van driv¬ers. We don’t have any share in the van charges. So if you want to hire any other van for your ward, than you are free to do that. 3. The School gives individual attention to every child & takes care of your child in every aspect but still in the event of any injury or harm of your ward inside or outside the school (which rarely happens) you will not hold the school and school authonties responsible for the same. Send